Thursday, August 18, 2011

Can anyone give me some advice / suggestions on making a wedding sign?

My fiance and I are getting married in July. Our wedding ceremony and reception are at the same location, a local state park. We would like to prepare some signs to hang across the entrance announcing the wedding and to keep wanderers out. Can anyone give me some advice /suggestions on making any, or purchasing cheap signs? Thanks

Whey Protein and creatine?

some people react differently to creatine, but yes it can affect your skin. in order to put on some muscle you have to have a foundation and in this case PROTEIN!!! with out this your body goes into catabolic, eating away at he muscle you have developed. in your case i wouldn't. go with whey protein, the reason for that is cause whey protein has about 3- 5 grams of carbs per serving which is too little for you. u need a good protein shake with at least 100 grams+ of carbs so you can put a bit of fat on

How young to start lift weights?

my son is almost 6 year old and has very puny arms and undeveloped muscles. i wish him to be a big man with ability to fight anyone. how young is youngest safe to start lifting?

How do I request a crosswalk?

I'd work with the school on this problem, as I'm sure they would welcome a crosswalk directly out front. Trust me, they'd know all the right numbers and email addresses for you to contact.

What does all this mean =/ ?

he definetly likes you. or hes just a compulsive flirt( but he doesnt seem like that). to bring the aunts thing up casually, there is probably no good way to do it, be like, im staying at my aunts this weekend and if you still want to, we could hang out. see how that goes, if hes still flirting but doesnt ask you out hang out with him again and talk to him about it, he seems like the kind of guy that would talk w/ you about his feelings.

People named Tigerlily (or ppl who have named their child Tigerlily), what has your experience been like?

I'm sorry for answering this question when I don't personally know anyone named Tigerlily, but I just wanted to say that I completely LOVE the name for a girl. It's really pretty and unusual, and it's actually one of my favourite girls' names - I love the name Tigerlily Azure. I always thought Tiger would be super cute as a nickname, but I'd never considered Tilly - I love it! I don't think the Peter Pan ociation will be a problem, and even if it is, I think it's cute that your daughter would have the same name as a princess - I bet she'd love that when she was younger. I much prefer more unusual names to really common, boring ones, and I think Tigerlily is gorgeous. Good luck! :]

Unsolicited advice...?

I (like many parents) am tired of getting advice from everyone! It is not really the advice that bothers me, it is the criticism of my parenting skills. I think I may have to strangle the next person who tells me my son needs a hat...or he needs socks on when it is BLAZING outside... or I need to do this or that. I am a young mom and I am doing a wonderful job. I just smile when people say things but it is really getting on my last nerve. What sorts of advice/comments bug you the most?