Thursday, August 18, 2011

The most impressive Spanish venture in exploration was, according to your authors, probably ?

Cortes, because he was the only one who really got a reward. He also defeated the aztecs with 150 men, and there were at least 10,000 aztec men fighting them. Cortes true success came when he convinced the aztecs he was their long lost god, and he got on the inside, then attacked. He truly out smarted the aztecs, who created magnificent things. Columbus, yeah he discovered america, but Spain didn't "get" america. Columbus just found it on accident. He was actually even dumb enough to think it was India. Magellan just navigated the globe, he didn't capture the globe for Spain, he didn't really get a reward. It would amazing that spain got control of all of central america, but they used their weaponry to get them there. Cortes really though outside the box, had the oppernuity, and went for it. He didn't really on his horses, men, or guns, but his wit and brain. He was even OUT NUMBERED! This makes the Cortes expedition the most impressive.

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