Sunday, August 14, 2011

Comments on rev. falwell's death?

I just wanted to comment on rev. falwell's death- while we express condolences for his family and friends, we also realize that jerry falwell was a bigoted anti-gay preacher who at every turn opposed giving gay men and women equal opportunities to live lives free from prejudice; sadly, his legacy will be one of divisiveness-- he was at various time opposed to integration, interracial marriage, and most recently, gay rights; In evaluating rev. falwell's comments I always used to ask myself, what would jesus say? Surely a man who preached love and forgiveness and inclusion would despise someone like falwell attributing the 9/11 attacks to feminists and s and "abortionists". While rev. falwell's death is a loss to family and friends, it is no loss to those who seek equal rights for all men and women to pursue the american dream. I take this opportunity to remember falwell's divisive legacy, and invite you to review the website: for an essment of rev. falwell.

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