Thursday, August 11, 2011

If we are all in this together, is it fair that the UK gives the EU a 6% increase?

The UK already gives �45m a DAY to the EU as it is, now that would go a long way towards reducing our deficit wouldn't it? There would not have to be so many cuts and many jobs could be saved. If you would, like me, like to leave the EU then have a look at the UKIP website. At the moment they are running a campaign to persuade the government to hold a referendum on continued membership of the EU. Under new rules any petition with more than 100,000 signatures must be debated in parliament. Whether you want to stay in the EU or leave is not the question, the point is to hold a referendum so everyone of voting age can make their views known, that's democracy. No one under the age of 53 has been asked whether we should stay in the EU. The last time the people were asked about Europe they were asked if they would like to be a member of a "Common Market", nothing about a United States of Europe, and Ted Heath the Prime Minister at the time lied through his teeth. Did you know that with the current European Arrest Warrant the, for example, Greek Police could extradite you to Greece, throw you in jail to await trial and there is nothing anyone in the UK can do about it?

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