Sunday, August 14, 2011

How to entertain a 5 year old girl?

I'm babysitting tomorrow for two little girls ages 5 and 1. They are both very precious and sweet... it's just that the 5 year old runs me ragged. She loves to play but she never stays with one thing for more than 5 minute! I have to watch them for 10 hours and the older one doesn't take naps so you can imagine how tiresome it can be. I need ideas of something that we can do together that will keep her attention and still allow me to watch the little one (without her wanting to get into it... so no art projects involving glitter, glue... etc). I'm really at a loss of what to do! Going outside isn't an option because is rainy and cold. Baking isn't an option because the mother his SUPER health conscious. I have no money to just go out and buy projects or toys. She will sit through ONE movie and no more (no TV). She doesn't pay attention for coloring, hide and seek, playing house, drawing, dolls... ugh... any ideas!? PLEASE!!!!!

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