Thursday, August 11, 2011

What do you think about Kane beating Undertaker at WM26?

This will re-establish the value and credibility of Kane as a monster. Have Kane "kill" the UT at WM and then Taker's soul is ped onto his younger brother. So essentially, Taker becomes Kane. Evil Kane forms a coalition with CM Punk and the SES and together they run smackdown for the next year. They form a straight edge "fight club" and recruit the bottom feeders of the WWE, take them on as reclamation projects and create an indestructible faction. However, Kane is conflicted and apologizes to the grave of his brother for his sins and has a climatic iron man match at WM27 with Punk to destroy the Straight Edge society once and for all. However, at WM he shows up as the Undertaker in a Kane mask and it turns out they were the same person all along. So the Undertaker still has his streak because you cannot defeat yourself. Then he beats Punk in the Iron man match, the match of the decade. What do you guys think?

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