Thursday, August 18, 2011

Can anyone give me some advice / suggestions on making a wedding sign?

My fiance and I are getting married in July. Our wedding ceremony and reception are at the same location, a local state park. We would like to prepare some signs to hang across the entrance announcing the wedding and to keep wanderers out. Can anyone give me some advice /suggestions on making any, or purchasing cheap signs? Thanks

Whey Protein and creatine?

some people react differently to creatine, but yes it can affect your skin. in order to put on some muscle you have to have a foundation and in this case PROTEIN!!! with out this your body goes into catabolic, eating away at he muscle you have developed. in your case i wouldn't. go with whey protein, the reason for that is cause whey protein has about 3- 5 grams of carbs per serving which is too little for you. u need a good protein shake with at least 100 grams+ of carbs so you can put a bit of fat on

How young to start lift weights?

my son is almost 6 year old and has very puny arms and undeveloped muscles. i wish him to be a big man with ability to fight anyone. how young is youngest safe to start lifting?

How do I request a crosswalk?

I'd work with the school on this problem, as I'm sure they would welcome a crosswalk directly out front. Trust me, they'd know all the right numbers and email addresses for you to contact.

What does all this mean =/ ?

he definetly likes you. or hes just a compulsive flirt( but he doesnt seem like that). to bring the aunts thing up casually, there is probably no good way to do it, be like, im staying at my aunts this weekend and if you still want to, we could hang out. see how that goes, if hes still flirting but doesnt ask you out hang out with him again and talk to him about it, he seems like the kind of guy that would talk w/ you about his feelings.

People named Tigerlily (or ppl who have named their child Tigerlily), what has your experience been like?

I'm sorry for answering this question when I don't personally know anyone named Tigerlily, but I just wanted to say that I completely LOVE the name for a girl. It's really pretty and unusual, and it's actually one of my favourite girls' names - I love the name Tigerlily Azure. I always thought Tiger would be super cute as a nickname, but I'd never considered Tilly - I love it! I don't think the Peter Pan ociation will be a problem, and even if it is, I think it's cute that your daughter would have the same name as a princess - I bet she'd love that when she was younger. I much prefer more unusual names to really common, boring ones, and I think Tigerlily is gorgeous. Good luck! :]

Unsolicited advice...?

I (like many parents) am tired of getting advice from everyone! It is not really the advice that bothers me, it is the criticism of my parenting skills. I think I may have to strangle the next person who tells me my son needs a hat...or he needs socks on when it is BLAZING outside... or I need to do this or that. I am a young mom and I am doing a wonderful job. I just smile when people say things but it is really getting on my last nerve. What sorts of advice/comments bug you the most?

Can I be pulled over and arrested solely for driving while suspended?

Last week I was pulled over in Burlington Machusetts. The cop told me that I had been pulled over for driving while suspended. There was no other reason/charge for pulling me over. I was told that my license in Machusetts had been suspended for an unpaid speeding ticket in New Hampshire. I told him I had paid the ticket & there must've have been some mistake. Nonetheless I was arrested, my license was taken and destroyed & the car was towed. I got all my paperwork stating the ticket had been paid & my record was completely clear in New Hampshire. At court yesterday I presented this to the DA & he told me to go to the RMV & get my license reinstated & the charge would be dismissed. However, this has already cost me close to $500 (towing, license reinstatement, bail & one full days work lost) & I am wondering if this was possibly a wrongful arrest.

Could you proof read this?

Shop at Smart Mart, where the sales never end. You'll find a wide variety of stereos and televisions on the second floor. We're offering scarves and pants on sale through Monday. You're invited to bring in your knives and scissors, and we'll sharpen them for free, in our cutlery department.

How do I download instrumentals from YAHOO or any other websites?

I am trying to download rhythms from the internet to be used in chorals. Can somebody please help me.

When should I tell my parents I'm getting married?

I'm getting married on Dec 23rd and my parents don't know yet. My FH is in basic training for the air force. Last week he wrote me a really romantic letter asking me to marry him when he comes home for Christmas. I want to tell my parents soon, but I also don't want him to be upset that he couldn't be there. Plus if I tell my parents, they'll most certainly tell his parents and I don't want to take that away from him. Should I wait until he gets out in 2 weeks then we can each tell our parents? Or should I tell mine, but make sure they can't tell his?

Can you still get the flu if you've been vaccinated?

i've been vaccinated against the regular flu and swine flu but my entire body is achy and i'm running a fever. i thought it might be stomach flu because my boyfriend had that like a week and a half ago but i don't feel nauseous and he didn't say anything about body aches. i was vaccinated maybe a month and a half ago and i know the incubation period is like 10 days, is it possible that i have the flu?

What do you think of the latest piece of Troll poetry?

I really like it, but hope you'll be brightening my days for a while longer before going to the Great Gold Yahoo Answers in the Skies.

Is Oedipus in Oedipus Rex Aristotles tragic hero?

Yes he is the tragic hero because we are disgusted by his actions yet we can sympathize with him because we know that he really didn't know what he was doing. I read Oedipus Rex and we used Aristotles Poetics to compare the tradegy aspects of the play to what Aristotle says a tradegy is (did this for my english AP cl)

Anybody have a horse for sale? : /?

many people will lie about their horse saying that it is better than what it really is, giving them calming drugs, saying they are broken when they arent, stomich problems, and lame horses. be carefull when you are buying. A 2/about 4 yo horse isnt normally going to be as trained as you want them to be because many people start breaking at age 2.

Why wont my iPod turn on?

ok so i have no idea why my ipod wont turn on. i have one of the new 8g. iPod nanos. one minute i was listening to it and i decided i wanted to take the headphones out of my ears so i god out my ipod converter and plugged it in. but then we got to the store we were going to so i unplugged it. (if its any help, my ipod converter is called "itrip" its not from Apple and it has c ord that plugs into the ipod and another end that plugs into the ciggarette lighter thing and it plays the music throught the radio) and when i came back out of the store it wouldnt turn on. i flipped the hold switch and pushed the play and middle on but it still wouldnt come on. i think the power from my moms car blew it up. maybe not. what do you think happened to my ipod?

Rustic wedding theme ideas?

We're looking for ideas for a rustic wedding reception. We don't want cowboy just simply country rustic. For example, mason jar or galvanized buckets for center pieces, a red wagon to hold silverware, etc. Please any ideas welcome!

Having when ovulation is so painful?

I never feel like when I am ovulating either but I do because I have to if I want to fall pregnant. It isn't terrible but I do feel crampy and irritable. Have a gl of wine with your meal and baby dance.

Are the LnA shirts that comfy?

are the shirts worth 60$ ? a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Are there any books that have information on actual things about Issac newton? Such as what he acted like, etc?

And just all kinds of details about him, just random, things, and specific things, did he like animals? Was he short? Tall? was he introverted? Did he have a sence of humor? etc etc

What is the acceleration of gravity?

i need to know how the acceleration of gravity is the same for a cannonball and a tennis ball and i need some help please(:

The most impressive Spanish venture in exploration was, according to your authors, probably ?

Cortes, because he was the only one who really got a reward. He also defeated the aztecs with 150 men, and there were at least 10,000 aztec men fighting them. Cortes true success came when he convinced the aztecs he was their long lost god, and he got on the inside, then attacked. He truly out smarted the aztecs, who created magnificent things. Columbus, yeah he discovered america, but Spain didn't "get" america. Columbus just found it on accident. He was actually even dumb enough to think it was India. Magellan just navigated the globe, he didn't capture the globe for Spain, he didn't really get a reward. It would amazing that spain got control of all of central america, but they used their weaponry to get them there. Cortes really though outside the box, had the oppernuity, and went for it. He didn't really on his horses, men, or guns, but his wit and brain. He was even OUT NUMBERED! This makes the Cortes expedition the most impressive.

Question about the movie Blow...?

In the movie Blow (about George Jung), there is a scene towards the end in which his wife and daughter, Kristina, come to visit him in prison. They are talking through a shatter-proof gl window, and when Kristina says something very brief to George and drops the phone, he gets upset and hits the gl with his phone. Does anyone know what she says? I've watched it a million times and can't make it out!

Another question about ducks?

I have an inground pool and every year ducks come and we feed them. This year we have a female mallard and a male black duck couple. They come everyday, but there is also a mallard male that has been coming with them. The black duck does not allow him to come into the pool, and sometimes he chases him around. I guess what I dont understand is why the male mallard continues to follow this couple everywhere they go, when he is being chased, and is obviously afraid of the black duck (he never actually fights with him) I mean, why doesnt he go find another female? Why does he keep following the same one that already has an aggressive male?

How can i make my dreams a reality?

Follow your dreams, work hard and try to get your parents or friends and other family interested. You would be surprised. I am an aspiring musician myself and I'm learning guitar along with my band. It took us long but we finally got a gig arrangement at my middle school. It' been sweet but back-breking. Yours should be easier since you're American. I'm a Nigerian.

Would you go to an atheist Bible study?

Sometimes we like to get together and talk about how much we enjoy lynching Christians, orgies, and being related to monkeys to each other.

How do I stop my 10-year old from stealing, lying, and talking back?

I have a 10-year-old daughter who steals, lies, and talks back compulsively. Example number one. Christmas Eve we were in the grocery store shopping for Christmas dinner. After we leave I find that she has a bag of candy. She lies and says she found it under the seat. I go back into the store and not only check the packaging (which by the way was the same as what she took). I also had her talk to the manager. Embarringly enough that she had stolen something, she continued to lie and throw a fit in the store. Needless to say she had everything that my mom and dad got her for Christmas taken away. And myself I didn't get her anything. Prior to this, she got caught stealing food from my mom's house. And even proceeds to talk back to me in front of my pastors. I honestly can't take her anywhere without her getting into trouble. Last year my mom got married, and my daughter didn't even get to be in her wedding because she wouldn't stop stealing from my mom. She's stolen money from me, my sisters and her cousins. She even stole money from my sister and took it to church to put in the offering basket. The talking back is horrible. She has gotten referral after referral from her teacher

About Emil Flindt he was my Grand father?

Hi....My name is Eric Flindt and he was my grand father.I would very much like to talk to anyone that new my grand father in the thirtys .............And Yes My grand Father wrote the Waltz You Saved For Me ..............I can be reached at

What do you think of the name Jewel?

I dont really like it.. to me it sounds trashy hippy...more next to those tradtional names. I like "Bijou" though the French word for Jewel as a possible middle name. Eleanor Catherine Bijou sounds nice..

I want to text my guy friend but i dont know wat to start of the conversation? any suggestions?

i never like using whatsup, its so jaded now. you should maybe go with how was your day or what did you do today then like when he tells you like a category expand from there like oh you watched a movie have you seen blah blah i thoought it was really good. it both lets you know what interests you

Down go WVU, down go the Mountaineers?

I was right in picking the ECU Pirates over the Mountaineers but everybody called me CRAZY for picking the Pirates to upset WVU and you know what they did. Will the Mountaineers even win the Big East? I think the title hope is gone by the way side already for the Mountaineers. Hey Skins Fan was i right about your Mountaineers?

A tough question for atheists to answer?

you see, the bible was just an early form of goverment, im sure this is a troll question but im still going to answer. the bible was a quick and effecient way to give people morals and a sense of acheivment. it was neccesary then, but now it is not needed, as now we are more intelligent. what better way to control people then through religion? you also relize that the old testement says you should beleive in your own path right? you see, i was not indoctrinated, however it appears you were. please understand, thats all religion ever was. i respect your beleifs, but dont persacute me for mine. oh look, i just DID answer your question didnt I? d:

Please help! I dont know what to do?

Wait a while and see if it gets worse. And DEFINITELY talk to your doctor next time you see him/her. I don't think personality changes are uncommon with getting off meds, but I've never heard this one.

Stationery "background" for yahoo mail?

I would like to use some stationery "background" that I already use in Outllok Express and Incredimail in Yahoo mail. How can I do that? Thanks

What camcorder should I buy that is best?

"Everio Hybrid Camera - Elegant and slim HDD/micro SD Hybrid camcorder featuring 60GB HDD for up to 75 hours of recording with KONICA MINOLTA LENS. Everio has been redesigned to offer more satisfaction in a smaller lighter body. It's the world's smallest and lightest hard disk camcorder so you can shoot actively without fatigue and travel with lots of space left over when

Is windows defender a good security program?

My norton 360 subscription expired but they want $70 to renew & when i did have it i had to shutoff the firewall to be able to go online so it was basically useless. Is the windows defender a good program?

Could i sue my sister?

I am currently 18, and i had 1,500 dollars of college savings i had saved from working during high school being held by my mother. She gave it to my sister to hold for me since she couldn't or didn't want to anymore and i said okay. I then found out my sister spent the entire amount towards a new car she bought to make the payments lower, she now has no way of paying me back and i start college soon at byu, she says i cant charge her interest and there's no way she can pay me back for a long time because the car was out of her price range and she is broke. do i have legal rights here, nothing was really in writing but my whole family knows the whole situation and im pretty pissed at her.

Are you offended by....?

So, I know a lot of people are offended by shortening Christmas to X-Mas, what is your take on this? Is this appropriate in certian cirstances or never. What about abbreviating your church name (LDS, COG, etc.)?

What is the chance i could still be pregnant?

your body is going to act differently not only from the morning after pill but from starting new birth control so i wouldn't worry. just give your body a bit of time to adjust. if you need reurance take a test in a few weeks.

Question about Julian ange supplier?

He leaked lot of doents per news reports. But it still does not make him the leaker. It was leaked by the person(s) who supplied him the doents. And I don't think one person alone can supply 250,000 emby cables. Manning didn't even work in any emby and it is next to impossible for him to leak such mive data single-handedly. Can there be possibility that Manning is a scapegoat for someone else's actions? Maybe the person ranks high in chain of command, and so the lowest level people like manning are picked? Also they do not focus on who handed ange the data. They are only focusing on ange and wiki-leaks. Why? It should be the other way around.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

What do you think of Israel's attacks on the flotilla carrying aid like building materials and wheelchairs?

I think it played right into the hands of the perverts who shoot hundreds of rockets into Israel from the Gaza then cry "Oh whoa is us, Israel is persecuting us". No other nation on earth would tolerate what Israel does from the agitators who exploit the people of Gaza in their relentless hope of killing all the Jews once and for all.

Is PC ruining our country? Are we afraid to do what's right, for fear of offending someone?

Nice do realize that the democrats let you down, not any fundamentalist agenda. Imagine that the right thing to do... is what was done... instead of the PC page of your little selfish bill of gay rights. Pushers are the first to complain when someone pushes back...childish behavior at best.

How many cans of niteshade do I need to black out both my headlights and taillights completely?

Don't lecture me about the laws, they are legal where I live. I just want to know how many cans of niteshade and the clear coat I will need to completely black out my headlights and taillights. I drive a 1996 subaru impreza.

This is what my ex-boyfriend told me?

He leads me on and then he treats me like dirt. I'm so tired of his BS and I told him that I'm moving on and I'm gonna find someone who ACTUALLY loves me and doesn't just wanna have with me. And he goes "Oh Kel, don't fool yourself, you love me too much, your not gonna find anyone else, you've tried that before" I'm afraid he's right though. What should I do? I don't know why I still love him so much even though he continues to hurt me.

Symptoms at 4.5 weeks pregnant?

Those of you who found out this early, did you have any symptoms? I'm 4 weeks 2 days today and the only thing I've noticed is minor cramping. I'm a little worried b/c we did IVF and my HCG at 3 weeks 6 days was 101 which was a good strong number. 48 hours later, at 4 weeks 1 day (yesterday), it was 168...still considered doubling within the 48-72 hour range but my progesterone level fell from an 11 to an 8. My RE said to be cautiously optimistic. I would feel much better about this if symptoms kicked in already!

For the firefighters: bell questions?

I live directly behind a firehouse in Philadelphia. Im constantly hearing fire bells go off, but I hear different bells sometimes. Theres a long bell that lasts maybe a second and a half, then theres another that gives off several short rings. I know I've heard more than that but I just can't think of the patterns right now. My question is: what do each of these bells mean? They are rarely done one after another, so I know its not all for the same run. Is one bell set for each of a shoe run, a wires/fumes run, a RIT run, a real fire run, and a multiple alarm run?

Can I go to jail over this?

I received a check in the mail for $2775, it was a secret shopper thing that I applied for online, when the check comes I looked up the business name on the better business bureau, and found it so i thought it was legit, so I took the check to my local bank (Trenton, Ga)....and deposited into my savings account, a couple of days later I withdrew a little of the money out.....waited almost 5 more days, checked and the money was still in there, so I withdrew the rest of it....well about 2 days later the bank calls and tells me that it's counterfeit and that I'm responsible for all the money. Well the bank works out something with me that I can pay them $150 a week on the bad far I've paid $650 on it...and just lost my job, so there's no way I can afford it, I haven't been able to make a payment, I called and let them know that....that was okay....but if I'm not able to pay this off or make a payment soon.....can I go to jail over this????

Does this homecoming look bad or good on me?

You're not ugly at all!! How can anybody be so horrible! I think it looks nice. The blue one looks quite short...but I'm a bit of a conservative dresser so maybe that is just me. I think the dress is lovely, and you look lovely in it. Honestly!! I can't believe some people are so horrible!

NBA Tournament of the decades best teams? continued! (JOIN THE FUN)?

Pistons got this 4-3. Celtics had no bench and the Pistons had a very good bench. KG and B.Wallace are two of the best defenders of this decade. KG gets the slight edge,but Sheed would dominate Perkins back then. Prince was an under-rated defender,and Rip and Billups could handle Allen and a young Rondo. Billups would have a huge advantage over Rondo,and Rip and Ray were both great that year. The deciding factors were really the bench.....

HIV+ and Life Insurance?

My partner has been covered for life insurance by his employer for 15 years. About 5 years ago he contracted HIV and has lived a normal life. 3 years ago he go melanoma cancer and sadly dies 3 weeks ago - the death was not related to HIV. He has a life insurance policy - he died of melanoma, but could the payout be refused as he did not inform the insurance company that he was HIV? He contracted HIV 12 years after he started the policy so I am hoping we will still qualify for the payout.. We are based in the UK.

My clmates are bullying me?

if you ignore them long enough they will stop. people tried to bully me at school but did not succeed.


you have about a one in million chance of finding the person with a pet named Jenn or Rose, just make it rose(with numbers on the end)

How do I figure out my profit and loss on my businesss plan?

I am creating a business plan and I am having a hard time with the finance part of the plan. Could someone PLEASE tell me an easy way to figure my profit and loss? Also when I fill in my income part how do I figure the Income - Less COGS (material/labor/other percentage)? How do I figure out the percentages that go to labor and materials???

Im too tall to slow dance?

Im 13 and all the guys are shorter and smaller then me, im pretty beastly (i play water polo). Should i just not bother.

Can anyone identify this bird?

Hello, I live in Bothell, Washington just outside of Seattle. This morning at about 7:00 AM I heard a sound that reminded me of a hawk screaming. However the sound was a bit small and short for a hawk so I decided to go outside and look. When I looked in the trees it ended up being a blue colored bird that stood roughly 6~8 inches high with a small tuft on the top of his head. The bird then went up to a higher tree and started pecking on the wood slowly. Please help me identify this bird! Thanks.

I just want a regular freaking computer that plays my steam games... is this a good one?

I would suggest going to other shops as i have heard bad reviews about computers bought from best buy. I would try some ebay shops, not the second hand ones, the ones that sell brand new stuff

If i was a school leaver and i wanted to compare the average wage[s] for any particular type of job, which....

... website would be good to get a statistically accurate, but easy to see listing of all the various job-types based on their their current average monthly i can get an overview of where a job currently ranks when it comes to wage [& status] comparisons, based on the latest up to date govt statistics?

What's a good middle name for Reveka, Emilia, or Solaine?

I need some help on picking a middle name/s for Reveka, Emilia, and Solaine? They aree girl names :)

Have you ever dined at the....?

Y????? I find what is served is almost always very good. Personally I recommend the seafood; the grilled snapper is delicious...

For guys or girls who really know guys?

whAT DO GUYS LOK FOR IN A GIRL? do they ike sporty ones or girly girls? what is there favorite part besides ? do they like no make up medium or a lot like how much? and any other things a girl should know about a guy.........i am 14 athletic and cheerleader but a track star in shape and not ugly i really look exactly like my avatar clean face like i dont want to be annoying but i modled untill it got to busy so yea....i also have only kissed one guy and wont go farther then makeout so please help

Does anyone know where i can get a proper tab for this song ?!?!?!?!?

Perhaps its in a different tuning like drop d or half a step down. You could try learning it by ear, If you're good enough. =P

Feel am being ussed !?

wel basically ive just started a new au pair job in the uk were i am from.. so i came on monday at 7 had tuesday 'free' then from 5am on wensday until 3pm satrday i had a 1year 7month old an a 10 year old girl all this ime as there parent was away on a work think.. i have just been informed that i have them all day 2morow and monday so inside a week so far i have worked 80 hours or so after monday this will be around 130 hours !!! surely i sud be cled as somthing oher dan an au pair and be gettin payed more than �100 a week for these hours as the 1year an 7month old had to sleep wih me aswel so the past few days have been 24/7 :(

I hate my daughter's father so much. I know I shouldn't, still I don't seem to be able to stop it. Gets worse.?

We dated for close to 2 yrs, then married for 7 years, my daughter was born in our first year of marriage. There is a 7 year difference, he is the oldest. Things started to turn bad after my daughter was born, she was always sick. For the first year of her life there was not much joy in our lives, I was most of the time jumping from one doctor appointment to the next, to the point I had to quit my job to concentrate in my daughter"s health. Finally at age 2 she was diagnosed with autism. A huge, new, completely unexpected challenge for my entire life. This was not the type of thing a doctor could cure with some antibiotics or with some care or spending some time in the hospital. As hard as I tried to be the caregiver, mother, wife, ual partner etc, etc, it seemed there was nothing I could do to make him happy. I worked also hard in squeezing time for myself to go to the gym and all of these things we women do to make us feel good about ourselves despite all of the chaos. I tried many times for us to discuss our feelings in a friendly, intimate approach to no avail. His answers were always evasive. I tried couple's therapy, he went to 4 sessions and decided it was not for him. After a lot of nasty stuff, we separated shortly after my daughter's 4th birthday and divorced a year later. I chose divorce mediation since I didn't think it was going to help the situation and the finances to make a nasty divorce fight. We agreed on joint custody since I felt at that time it was the best thing for everybody. It worked so so for the first year then he became more and more withdrawal, uninterested, distant, unreachable, not showing up to pick her up when she was supposed to, and with a million of excuses. He stopped paying for some of the therapies that she needs saying he couldn't afford it, I confronted him but there was nothing I could really do, he had his mine already set up into something else. He had what you might called a midlife crisis and started doing all sorts of cosmetic surgeries, vacationing all over the world, but still being a jerk with me and her daughter. I tried to have more conversations with him just so I didn't have to bring more confrontation in our lives, sometimes he acted as a gentleman, coming to his senses type of man, other times it was the complete opposite. I call this his bipolar attitudes about fatherhood. I feel desperate, tired, hopeless, lonely, poor, and struggling everyday of my life to keep myself and my daughter above water. My hate for him grows bigger and bigger. I just cannot stop from feeling this way and I know it is counterproductive for me and my daughter, still I don't seem to know how to stop it. I am now posting these feelings in hope to hear some kind words of support from other women out there. God Bless all of you and thank you in advanced for your responses.

What would you do in this situation ?

Honestly I would just avoid the game and if they say I was playing it, I would deny it. It's best for you to just avoid and not be apart of this game that's going on. If you get any form of suspension, you'll be probably get in trouble with coaches, if you sports. It's a big deal, so avoid it and deny it if you get caught.

Need help with being insecure?

i was with my ex for 4 yrs and he finished it with me for no reason really and he moved on very quickly which made me move on quicky to. I am now with a bloke which i have been with for about a year and a half. Lately i feel so insecure around him. He lives with a house mate and he has a girlfriend. i keeo thinking my boyfriend likes her. My bfriend is 27 she is 18. But he allways seems to be interested in her . He never used to b like that with her. and he allways seems to be looking at her. I dont no if theres anything in it but its making me moody with him. He doesnt no im insecure and i dont really wanna say anything to him. HELPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP now every little think he says to her i seem to be izing! he did say the otha day she has an attitude, n he would neva spk to her if she wasnt with his mate. But the other nite she went to bed n he said "ah your going bed are you" she was like yeah im tierd got college tomorrow. he was like"oh ok" i was thinking SO WHAT IF SHE GOES BED grrrrrrrrrrr xx

How common is it to see a bird with only one foot?

Just wondering. It seems like it would be a rarity, but I have seen several like this and in different regions hours away from one another. They are also different kinds of birds.

Define Evil!?

If you could sum evil one one word, it would just be "selfish." We all see in the news and movies of people who kill and torture just for fun. That would just be mentally ill. Those that would p up a dying guy because they would be late for work, that would be evil.

Cervix bumps someone please help?

You are right you can feel your cervix especially at different times of the month. My cervix is naturally lumpy,but some are smooth, if the doctor didn't find anything, you should probably stop worrying. I have been getting a pap every year for the last 30+ years. Continue to monitor for sure. If it gets bigger, go back. If you can feel it, it seems the doctor could too.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

What do atheists think about atheists..?

I think Atheists who are very aggressive, very offensive, and very rude have good sense of humor and have lots of energy. If people think there rude they just don't have a good sense of humor, and just things so personally easily. No I'm not annoyed with them. If they are true Atheists through their thinking process and not just because they are rebelling then I am proud to call them one of us.

In which compound is bonding between ions stronger? Chem help!?

NaCl has stronger ionic bonding. When NaCl is formed from its elements, 787.5 kJ/mol of energy is released. In order to break the ionic lattice, an equal amount of energy is needed. Thus, NaCl requires more energy to be broken than KCl, and therefore it has stronger ionic bonding.

Metformin, Clomid, and Hcg Trigger shot?

Okay my husband and I have been trying to conceive for about 2 years. We just started seeing a fertility specialist and they said that I have PCOS. My husbands semen count came out " more than perfect" (in my doctors words) and i had my HSG test done which was really good. But she also told me after my blood work that I am pre-diabetic and I have insulin resistance. So she told me I have to take metformin 500mg two pills in the morning and two at night and I have 5 refills for that. I just finished my 50mg of clomid for 5 days and Friday I'm supposed to go in for my hcg trigger shot. My question is how likely is it that I will get pregnant in my first round. she told me with my husbands count being as high as it is I really did not need to pay to have insemination done because he is capable of getting me pregnant. we just have to play for 3 days after I get the shot.

What are some high school cliches?

Cheerleaders, gearheads,band geeks stuff lyk dat. But in reality there r no high school cliques. Just something tv makes up

Does anyone know of a saw that is strong enough to cut through metal, like a pinball machine or slot machine?

I'm looking to do experiments that show the inner workings of different mechanical items. I need a saw strong enough to cut directly through in one line. Can anyone help?


I was just playing around on the keyboard and then I pressed ctrl a. It made this freakish circle apear on the screen. It started big and then got really small until it went away. I did it again and it happened again! Kinda cool. Has it ever happened to anyone else? It may just be my keyboard.

Has anyone got phantom toothache, chronic facial pain?

Hi,i have emailed you regarding this as i did have alot of trouble like this which might be starting again.thankyou.

Why is having separate taps more hygienic?

The main reason is that there is a chance of bacterial infection as bacteria finds the hot water system a better environment to breed in. You should not drink the water from a hot tap, but boil the water first. The chances may only be slim, but I will keep on boiling my water, especially for children.

I am so embarred !!!?

okay, so here it is. Well, last night at home coming my friends and I were fooling around and laughing and being ridiculous, anyway one of my friends, lets call her Carrie said there were people making out in the dugout we all thought she was lying!!!! Carrie said why don't you go check then! we didn't believe her !! she the kind of person to do that for attention !! but anyway there were people in there and consequently they were the ones in my art cl. My art cl that I'm really awkward and shy in because all the other people are cool seniors! what will they think when I come to cl on Monday?! will they be really mad ? or just look at me quietly as that weird little creep ?Should i say sorry? Please help

The Name of this song, from Stormbreaker?

It's in Stormbreaker, when Ewan Mcgreggor is in the car, driving back at the start, before he gets shot.

Im so tired of this and the mitchell report is biased so shutup sox fans...?

mitchell is one of the leading advisors to the boston red sox. look at the list. 0 current red sox. hmm... i dont know about schilling or tek but dont think for a second that youk isnt juicing and manny and ortiz too. dont you think its just the slightest possibility that he withheld names or maybe didnt search as hard for some? and the whole roger clemens thing dont you think its a little odd that he supposedly started taking steroids just as soon as he left the sox? no sir not the good ol red sox americas favorite idiots they couldnt possibly have anything to do with roids! its such bull let a NON BIASED person do it over and if you come up with the same list ill take my foot out of my mouth and leave the game forever.

Which would you recommend?

I'm going to visit Japan with my girlfriend in early August. We're only going to be there 10 days. Would you recommend the Tokyo area or the Osaka area?

What is the best recipe for Kool Aid tie dying?

I heard 1 pkg of koolaid and 1 ounce of vinegar but there could b more. and just in case it doesnt work, where can you get tie die kits(not on the internet) Plz and thx!

What do you think of my essay?

It's okay,but it does need some tinkering.You need to combine some sentences and look into using colons and semi-colons properly.You also use commas incorrectly in many areas .Also-Ants live in "hills";bees live in "hives"

Should I send another follow up email after a job interview?

The interviewer told me I'd hear from him at the end of the month. I've already sent the customary follow up after my interview, but should I send another one in the interim, I feel like he forgot about me.

Who Licensed Demashita! PowerPuff Girls Z (PPGZ)?

I was watching PPGZ online (only up to episode 4), and I recently found that it was licensed. Where and When can I get it now, or if you know of a way, where is it on the web?

What product can males use to stop shiny face on a night out?

Get the oil control powder from L.A. Minerals. It comes in 3 shades and un-tinted. It lasts all day for me. It's pretty sheer, and doesn't look like u are wearing makeup. I use it on my T zone.

1995 Dodge Caravan Base 6 cyl. 3.0 ltr. engine timing problem?

Had an oil leak with valve cover and distributor adaptor (front cam). I have changed out the o-ring and 2 seals, valve cover gasket and plug, I marked the cam to head, distributor to adaptor, and rotor on to distributor before removing anything. I marked the spark plug wires to rotor cap. When replacing the camshaft gear the timing belt was moved. When I lined all my marks back up and torqued everything down, the engine will not crank. It turns over but does not engage. I have fire coming form coil wire. My brother -in - law came over and helped me turn the engine to top dead center and we placed the rotor on at firing order #1 plug. Still engine will turn over but will not engage (crank). My question is. How would I go about resetting both front and rear cams with engine set to top dead center. I believe when my ex was putting the timing belt back on, the rear camshaft was turned. So I need to get the engine back to top dead center and make sure the front and rear camshaft gears are in time as well. Please help. Cannot make heads or tails from my Haynes with this problem

What does one haft to do to travel internationally?

I have a girl friend that is from the phillipines she is currently working in israel on a work visa but her work is almost up . And she wants to come visit me in las vegas for a week or two how hard or easy is this to make happen i see all kinds of foreiners visiting here in las vegas so it cant be that difficult for her to come visit and also vice versa what would i haft to do to visit her in south east asia what are the steps i would haft to take

Is there a different type of primer i have to use when running PCR with genomic DNA compared to cDNA?

Im still in school but when i run a PCR, I normally isolate RNA first then RT to cDNA and run PCR with that. This time i isolated the genomic DNA from the sample and ran PCR using the beta-actin primer i always used. Dimers were faintly visible on my gel but nothing really came up like it normally would have or should have. I was told that when running PCR with genomic DNA, a different kind of primer had to be used; one that is specific to genomic DNA. Im confused as to why it would matter or if it matters at all.

Can anyone help me make this sound gangsta!!?

lol the second one sounds pretty good but what sort of gangsta would say 'exceptionally disgruntled'? It should be raging or steaming or something like that.

What is meant by sweet 16?

ok, right i find myself ugly at the moment, and i was just wondering what is meant by sweet 16 ? is it when a girl leaves the ugliness and turns into pretty ! is this true? because i want ways to find myself to be really pretty and all that , so that people can notice me and say wow shes pretty. i look at my freinds and think wow shes really pretty i wish i could be like her, i want people to do the exact same with me but i also want information about sweet 16 AND prettyness thanx xxxx ;)

Where can i find cute inexpensive shoes?

i want pumps for my halloween costume... but i dont want to get expesnsive ones.. scine i probably wont be wear ing tem that ofetn.. im being a playboy bunny if that helps wiht the type of of shoe

How to get rid of the effects of Novocaine?

My mouth is numb and I don't like it. I just got back from the dentist, so how do I get rid of the numb effect from the Novocaine?

Monday, August 15, 2011

In Canada is psychotherapy tax deductible?

If yes, Does it need to be provided by psychologist or psychiatrist? Does it need to be prescribed by doctor to be deductible?

Have this i have a important question ?

see i ahve agirlfriend and she has a longe hari but it is curly how can we make it silky if we make it it my cause any hari loose please friends send me the answer

Where can I get a Hannah Montana wig?

Its my guess that ANY wig shop can have that style--its not really unique or OWNED by one girl. You can go to a wig shop and ask about it

Do you think I dress like a pretty boy?

You have cute/trendy style, which is very popular where i live. Most people dress like that actually. I wouldn't consider it "pretty boy" style.

Anyone else keen for city vs country?

I really don't see the point in the city v country game. How taking all the players that they want and making them clash against each other is meant to make the selection process any clearer just goes right past me. You don't need a special game for that, just look at the effort they put in each week during their regular matches and decide if you want them based on how they go. If they really want to do something they should just do what Mark Geyer said on the Sunday Roast this afternoon and have it as an U23's match or something.

I am trying to simplify my life, and I need suggestions?

I am a senior in high school and I want to try to simplify my life and find something real before i go to college. I do not play any sports any more, have no real hobbies, and i feel like i am not unique at all. I feel like everything i do is just a waste of time and i have nothing to show for it. I want to change this. I want to sell all my video games for a start, because i feel this is my biggest waste of time, i have a guitar and i want to start playing every day, as well as working out more. what else should i do to make my time worthwile instead of just wasting it? thanks for any suggestions, DK

How close would it be to 'ground zero'; the proposed 'ground zero mosque'?

It's near enough to freak people out, far enough to be no big deal at all really. I don't know the real distance, but it's a blocks away and people are still angry about it. I'm not sure what the problem is.

Bittorent help!!?

Is there any software that i can chat with other seeders or leechers while i downloading file?? Please help me...

Twins! Help with these names, please?

Nina and Shay are really sweet names. Maybe Nina Marie and Shay Rielley or Shay Alexis. Also Solana, Celeste, and Collette are good.

Why would a lecturer flirt with a student and when she tries to talk to him or call?

him on the behaviour (not to sue him or anything) he denies, denies, denies? He has done such things as oggling her bosom from the side as she leaves his office, come very close to her face doing the triangular eye to eye and down to the mouth when they were looking in a book together, if she wears a skirt he glances down at her knees, when she leaves he checks out her bottom, he stares at her lips when she is speaking, his conversation can have innuendo in it, if she slips on a chair or fixes herself on a chair he will try and get a glance at the shape and everything of her decolletage. He can also stare at other womens' bottoms in the clroom environment. All of these incidents have certainly not been fabrications or chimeras on the girls part but he denies it when confronted??

Should I get Urban Decay makeup?

I would go with Mark. products b/c they are affordable and good quality almost like high end drugstore makeup. Or you could go with Milani from CVS it's pretty good quality for the price :)

I want to bear nuclear arms. Is this one of my rights as per the Second Amendment?

If you can wear a nuclear missile on your hip, more power to you, sport! And you're right, it's up to the American people, state by state, to make the decision as to what people can carry. So why don't you just deal with the fact that the majority of Americans disagree with you and let it go. You Pseudo-Libs can't have everything your way.

I have a problem with my fridge - icing up at the below compartment.?

Check the side of your fridge, esp if it's a side-by-side.... there should be a little slider thing that adjusts to allow more or less cold air in down there.... slide it to allow less. When my veggies freeze up, someone has pranked w/ it and I have to close it.

Whats the name of this song?

ord, everything im seeing is tragic, its dramatic, traumatic and drastic, when you think life is colourful, when you slightly start seeing the light from above you, when you think its a little bit wonderful, you wake up from an uncomfortable dream to an obstacle, but still never quit, or start crying, coz you never fail until you stop trying.

Future outlook for writers?

I think that the amazon kindle will change writing the same way itunes changed music. With the kindle people will stop reading "books" and just read chapters the same way people are able to choose what songs they like off an album. Writing, like all products of information, is hurting because the internet allows information to be m produced. The same thing thats happening to journalists and newspapers as well as musicians is going to happen to writers. Book sales are down and soon "paper books" will be a thing of the past just like CD's are know a thing of the past. While I hope this does not happen (it will destroy quality writing) history has a way of repeating itself

I like my Husband.I am against dowry/gift - and when my hubby was offered so ,he turned it down-he also ...?

Don't feel bad or angry at her. Feel sorry for her. How sad must a woman be to have children only for the purpose of selling them to the highest bidder.

UPENN v. Duke- which one?

UPenn...if all else is the same- city, campus life, professors, cl sizes, etc...UPenn is an Ivy, and that alone can open doors just by reputation.

Why do you tell me Iman goes up and down when that never happens to me?

Alhamidilliah, thats great but it is important to note that everyone has differrent struggles but that in no way makes you better than anyone. Only allah knows whats in our hearts and only he can judge us.

What does it signify: someone constantly closes their eyes while talking, particularly in a heated discussion?

I have a female friend that closes her eyes constantly while speaking. What do you think it signifies? She is kind of spacey and I wonder if it could be to avoid any visual distractions or is this a sign that she is truly spacey? I would appreciate any thoughts as I am truly puzzled at this constant behavior. Even when she is upset she will close here eyes when speaking even to answer or to raise a point.

Death of a pet. What did you do and approximately how much did it cost you?

Had an old dog once. Cost nothing if it's a friend who is a vet. Gave him a shot and it was done. Open old toolbox, insert dog. Dig hole, insert toolbox. Fill it in and go shoot stuff to get it all out.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

What doents are used in Coroner's Investigations?

What kind of case? For murder the Coroner's report would almost certainly be used to prove the person is dead and how they died. I'm linking a sample.

Is it hopeless to hold onto?

I was messing around with a guy for about five months and he has a girlfriend well Friday night we went out drinking and he and some friends decided to do liquid G well he took a little to much and early that morning I was waken up by him have a seizure and then he stopped breathing I called 911 got him to the hospital and he wasn't responding at all so I called some friends of ours and they made the call to his girlfriend who was out of town because I thought it would only be fare that they were there for him also. Well he told them that we had slept together and they have done nothing but har me all week but when I talk to him he said he has nothing to do with it and he can't talk to me on the phone right now until all this blows over he said that he loves his girlfriend but he is not in love with her but he feels bad that he has hurt her and he can't stand to see her cry will he ever leave or do I just need to try and get over him and move on?

How to entertain a 5 year old girl?

I'm babysitting tomorrow for two little girls ages 5 and 1. They are both very precious and sweet... it's just that the 5 year old runs me ragged. She loves to play but she never stays with one thing for more than 5 minute! I have to watch them for 10 hours and the older one doesn't take naps so you can imagine how tiresome it can be. I need ideas of something that we can do together that will keep her attention and still allow me to watch the little one (without her wanting to get into it... so no art projects involving glitter, glue... etc). I'm really at a loss of what to do! Going outside isn't an option because is rainy and cold. Baking isn't an option because the mother his SUPER health conscious. I have no money to just go out and buy projects or toys. She will sit through ONE movie and no more (no TV). She doesn't pay attention for coloring, hide and seek, playing house, drawing, dolls... ugh... any ideas!? PLEASE!!!!!

How long do you serve in the army, navy, marines after college in ROTC, NROTC, and NROTC MO?

Once you graduate with your degree, you are required to serve a minimum of 4 years. After that a commissioned officer can resign his/her commission at any time. Not sure about your other questions (I was a senior NCO), and unlike others here I won"t guess and p it off as fact.

How is the capacity of gas stoves expressed?

I would like to know at what rate (kg/cm cube or kg cubic feet) the lpg (India) reaches the burner in household two burner stove?

Do they make airsoft Smith & Wesson 386 gas revolvers?

do they make a gas powered airsoft revolvers based off of the 7 round .357 magnum Smith and Wesson 386 revolver?

Can anyone tell me which song is this or from which film is it???plz help?

Never heard the song. Is it the first line?? Are you sure it is not a detergent or a fairness cream advertisement?

In Oblivion, Shivering Isles why is there a soul Tomato? and are there any other rare oddities?

the soul tomato is a functioning soul gem,i don't remember if you use it to enchant some thing it disappears or not.there are a bunch of oddities like the blind watchers eye,dagger of friendship,deformed swamp tentacle,dins ashes,hounds tooth key,mixing bowl,mute screaming maw,pelvis of pelagius,ring of disrobing,sheogorath shaped amber,two-headed septim and the soul tomato.some of these oddities are very hard to come by,like the sheogorath shaped amber and the soul tomato,in all of the times i have played this game i have never found those two and i have played this game at least 10 times.all of the others you will probably come across,so don't be discouraged if you don't find those two.hope this helps.good luck in the shivering isles.a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

39 weeks preg.. had somewhat of a turbulent past 8 weeks in regards to health stuff and am just at the end of?

my tether.. i'm tired, feeling somewhat down and useless (as i can't contribute much in the way of household chores like cleaning etc), trying to run around after kiddies and just feeling somewhat housebound and flat. Even went to the extreme of paying $200 to get my hair done to make myself feel better but nada... just wanting it all to be over and done with so i can get back to it all... i think im feeling somewhat scared and anxious about the impending birth as well as the rest... any ideas on staving off these down feelings?

Comments on rev. falwell's death?

I just wanted to comment on rev. falwell's death- while we express condolences for his family and friends, we also realize that jerry falwell was a bigoted anti-gay preacher who at every turn opposed giving gay men and women equal opportunities to live lives free from prejudice; sadly, his legacy will be one of divisiveness-- he was at various time opposed to integration, interracial marriage, and most recently, gay rights; In evaluating rev. falwell's comments I always used to ask myself, what would jesus say? Surely a man who preached love and forgiveness and inclusion would despise someone like falwell attributing the 9/11 attacks to feminists and s and "abortionists". While rev. falwell's death is a loss to family and friends, it is no loss to those who seek equal rights for all men and women to pursue the american dream. I take this opportunity to remember falwell's divisive legacy, and invite you to review the website: for an essment of rev. falwell.

What are your short list of people you wish would just go AWAY?

Let's see.... pelosi, reid, obama, murtha, biden, clinton, kennedy, franken, maher, olbermann, mathews, penn, cher.... holy crap, this list could go on forever

How often should i bath my Alaskan Malamute?

I have tried to research this, but get mixed answers. Some sites say to bath very rarely, only really when he is shedding as it can ruin his skin and woolly undercoat, but some sites say to bath fairly often. He isn't really a smelly dog, and when he gets muddy he gets hosed off in the garden, which he loves, but he HATES being bathed indoors. When he was a pup he got bathed quite a lot as he would roll in everything gross he found, but am not sure how often he should be getting bathed now?

Worried about this UN Summit?

Terrorists are far less likely to attack the only means of meaningful communication available to them. Global warming may be something very serious, heads up. Remember that terrorism in general is a Red Herring for 'we need to fight for oil (do we really?) and, yes, Israel is less than popular in the region owing to their lack of respect for goyim rights'.

Are you one of those people who, when given a really nice gift...?

will try to give it back and say "I can't accept this, it's too much" Or do you graciously accept it? I don't like when I've gotten somebody a gift and they won't accept it...

Will i get DLA until the end date?

If your cirstances change from when you filled the forms in you have to inform them,if you still receive the same level of care as when you applied you are still entitled.

How healthy is this vegetarian diet?

I would say that there are too many's so difficult these days to have a meal with out starch though...pump up your fruits and veggies and focus less on breads, and pastas...when you do eat these things, go fro whole wheat!

Presentation Help??

I have an 11th grade presentation on Edna St. Vincent Millay. Mostly on her poem " justice denied in machusetts". Does anyone have any creative ideas as far as a grabber or just the presentation as a whole. I need some new creative ideas for the powerpoint

In an egg drop contest, have to drop it from 9' and am limited to the materials in the kit. Ideas?

The kit includes 1 plastic baggie, a little easter gr, 2 straws, 1 penny, 4" masking tape, 1 sheet of paper, small pc. of foam, 12" of string, 3 cotton , 1 lg. marshmallow, 5 raisins, 3 large paper clips, 1 rubber band. Ideas?

If Laura Ingraham has her way will I have to wear a Puritan outfit and be pure and chaste?

Conservative talk show host Ingraham want to bring back "blue" laws prohibiting activity cept church on Sundays (source=her radio show on 10/23/09). I'd be in the village square in the pillory and stocks along with the whipping post if Laura had her way.

Took Iphone 4 into pool, help please!?

I took my iphone 4 into the pool on accident for like 10 seconds and it shut off on its own i immediatly dried it with a towel and eventually put it in a plastic bag with silica gel. Will this fix it? or is it screwed?

I want to work in spare time.i want serious workas i need money.i have paid many but al wre scame pls help me.?

Hallo, i want to work in my spare time but dont know where and how ? as i spent too much for this but all were scam, now i dont believe in this internet type job but i have to because i seriously need money but cant work outside. pls help me. if anybody know anysite where i can work but free of charge, it will be a great help for me. thanks.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Help! my 7 month old baby boy sometimes suddenly looks up and his eye appear to be at the outer side.?

Is there shaking involved? long does it last.. my two youngest children have seizure disorder and one of the things was eyes rolling back.. idk..with little info..hope u find whats wrong. TC

What is the best way to post a parcel in the other than by parcel force?

THE ITEM IS A REALLY NICE CHINTZ CHANDELIER and must arrive intact . it is bulky and weighs about 4lbs

Where or what is the rule restricting what you can ask?

Alright, well, I can't ask Yahoo about this and I can't find it in the FAQs, so I guess I'll ask it here. I know that you cannot post anything ually explicit, illicit and whatnot, but how or could I ask about a movie that I've seen which would fall under the a category? There would be nothing explicit in the question, even though I would be describing a scene which is semi . I am trying to locate a film which I can't remember the name of. I'm pretty sure nobody would know what it was anyway. Is the rules such that you can't ask anything remotely related to adult or films, books, so on?

Best way to sell a Car or Truck?

I would say craigslist, it's free nothing to lose. I sold my car and over $800 worth of stuff last summer. It's easy and you usually get quick feedback fast.

My ferrets can't move their hind legs! What do I do?

Leg problems can mean anything, you NEED to bring them to a vet ASAP!!! Its a symptom of some cancers, or severe dehydration, etc.. I dont know what it is becuase Im not a vet but I do know thats serious and since you've already waited 2 days I wouldnt wait an hour longer!!!

Do you think your team will be ready to go when the CBA is signed?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

How to deal with irregular periods?

wear tampons with a pad underneath i do that as i have a heavy flow and change them like every two hours on heavy flows or use super tampons as tampons are A lot better than pads :). always carry some and check often to make sure

Twilight fanvideo song [jasper&alice]?

well, since edward acts the same way with bella, so any song that workd for them, would work for jazz and alice. try out the songs from the twilight and new moon soundtracks, they might help. twilight 4 eva!!!!!

What do you think of my poem, Sisters in Knowledge Part 2?

Elaine, it's wonderful and it gives me chills. It is also agitating the feminist side of me and getting her all riled up. I love the strength you give to Lilith and the bestial quality you give Adam. This is a very provocative poem. Very few are able to understand Lilith's point of view and I think you are doing a great job. I can't wait to see the rest.

New sonar and somewhat confused so i need help.?

As for your model, No. The new Digital (RayMarine) models can do what you're asking, but not the old dual beam units. Some can tell you if the fish is moving towards the beam or away (Garmin). You must know that the 'ducer is pointed forward to tell direction of the fish. All finders have a downward beam which is either 22 degrees or 45 degrees of angle. The built in software determines the intensity of the returned signal to form the picture on the screen. I enjoy using my Color Digital Finder which operates on 455 kHz. The details are incredible and you can see which direction each target is pointing in relation to the cover structure.

Why dont highschool kids realize that life is peaches n cream for them?

i completely agree you should enjoy being a kid but it's stressful being in high school too. don't you remember when you were in high school

How does a storage water purification system like 'pure it' kill bacteria and viruses without having uv' or ro?

there is a water purification system named 'pureit' in India which claims to provide water without viruses and bacteria, comes with a germ kill battery i am not able to understand principle behind its calim killing bacteria and even viruses without having ultravoilet or reverse osmosis treatment. how does it kill the organisms in water?

Which is your favorite boys name?

Out of this list I really like Logan. And I think that Kale would actually be okay with Kayla and Kaylee. It could be like family names. Except they aren't siblings which is nice. It is ultimatley up to you though. Kale is a beautiful name.

If anyone has a moment, please help me. I really have no other place to turn. Some advice, anything. ?


Weighted GPA questions?

How do the HYPS and Ivy League schools calculate their weighted GPA? Does 10th grade English and Math honors cles count? My counselor said that those doesn't count for UCs, but does that apply to the private schools too?


depends on the guy, just go wich what it feels like, if you can't feel what you need to do then your trying to hard.

What should i do about my major?

i am currently a graphic design major. i'm about to go into my junior year. although i enjoy studying design i'm realizing that i won't be happy doing it as a career. i want to switch majors and was considering switching to a general liberal arts degree. i feel like i would be taken more seriously than i would if i got a bfa especially since im no longer interested in pursuing a career in the creative field. i'm not sure if i want to go into business or teaching. i'm probably going to pursure a masters once i figure out my career path. any advice? my mom thinks i should just finish my degree in graphic design and get my masters in something else but my bf thinks i should switch majors and do something else. i think i should switch majors.

Whats the difference between being Deutsch and German?

None actually; you speak Deutsch (the language) in Germany, Austria, and parts of Switzerland, Luxemburg and Belgium, but you only are "Deutscher" (female: Deutsche) if you were born and raised in Germany or have been nationalized by law. Speaking Deutsch doesn't therefore necessarily make you a German.

Why you ask me to change my pin number?

first when i wont to use my emil i find it locked ,therefor i wont to now why it lockand second asked me to change my emil adress or my pin ? me i did;nt understand as well as i dont have more experance ,beyond this oll it is my second language to understand englsh why this oll needed ?

My 7 month old Akita Puppy has not eaten since last Thursday evening.. he has been vomiting only..?

He has done all blood work Parvo Ultra sound, Xray and they ar all inconclusive for obstruction.. he has been hospitalized since Sunday on Drip.. he ate yesterday for the first time"science diet" kept it down for 4 hrs.. but then vomited some bile again...What are my options..Invasive surgery is were our vet is suggesting.. HELP..tomorrow will be a week.

How to improve gas milage on honda civic?

I am picking up a 99 civic ex bone stock and was wondering how I could make it as efficent as possible on gas. Ive hear that getting a ecu chip, k&N air filer or cold air intake, and even a performance exhaust and sythentic oil can all improve gas milage? Does anyone know anything about it?

How do i shirk my jeans?

My jeans have gotten too big, thats because i've gotten smaller [duh] but while i'm working on getting a whole new wardrobe i'd like to still have something to wear. Is there anyway i can shirk my jeans? i.e The dryer?

What should i do if my sister-in-law hit my daughter for vomiting?

i have two daughters named bella and penny. penny, my younger daughter, suffers from leukemia. one day bella had a ballet recital and i went to watch her perform. penny was not feeling well that day so i left her with my sister-in-law, roxanne. penny got sick and vomited all over the rug. that rug was roxanne`s favourite and she got really angry. she gave penny a brutal beating and punished her severely. that incident was so traumatic that penny ended up in the hospital. how should we solve this problem?

Simplest way to block SKS 10 round box mag. to only 5 rounds?

I have a Chinese SKS 7.62x39mm with the original 10 round box magazine my state doesn't allow hunting with more than a five round magazine I'm looking for the easiest way to temporarily convert the box magazine to only hold five or less rounds ..

Is it safe to put clothes that might have Glade Scented Oil on them in the dryer?

I wouldn't say that it's safe...Oil, fabric, and high heat doesn't really mix too well. I'm fairy sure the washing machine will wash it out the next time you do a load of your laundry.

Girls: Would you go for a guy like this?

im guessing youre 300 pounds of muscle since you ride bikes everywhere but imagine your gf catching you cross dressing a muscular guy in a dress is not a good look

Need your opinion on on this situation...?

ight to mak this long story short, ive dated couple of girls durin school, but when i graduated i was gettin serious with this one chick and we talked all the time its a long distance cuz she lives 100miles from wer i do, so when i graduated we had this argument wer she told me she wasnt redy to date, shes 2 years younger than me, so we broke up it end watever but i found out a little later she made out with her bestfriend i got so pissed but watever we aint datin but she says she says she still wants me and dosnt kno y i didnt go afta her, i didnt cuz i jus didnt wana see her again. so ive been talkin to this chick for the last weeks a freind of mines for a while and been flirtin ya kno and i thnk if it continue problaby go out soon, but now im stuck wud u go back with ur ex that says she srry for everything or the new girl which never done nuthing mesd up and is older then the otha girl? btw they both look gud and i lik em both alot jus wonderin what wud ya'll do

Racism in Lebanon against Palestinians?

Im really glad for you,and dont let troll users get to you,in life we always have to face with negative and positive people since we live in a world with individual people,so all we have to do is take a big breathe and walk through life,that's how i'm surviving!

Were is the United States heading?

Like the rest of the world, a long depression like the one in 1873. Hunker down guys, this 4 ticket ride has just begun

Friday, August 12, 2011

What kind of turban did Chevy Chase wear in "Christmas Vacation"?

It wasn't really a turbin .It was an old hat that women wore in the fifties that he found in the attic.

What do you think of my christmas wish list?

im asking for tales of beedle and the bard too :] im so mad i FORGOT to go to the book release haha. and i think i also want kathy reichs books if bones was based on them! didn't know that. the notebook is soooo much better in book form. the ending is much better

How to reverse nearsightedness?

there are no exercises or vitamins that can make your eyes better or prevent them from getting worse. It is partly hereditary

If you were to make a movie poster.....?

If you were asked to make a movie poster for "The Counte Of Monte Cristo", what kind of things would you put on there...? Be creative. :) Thanks!

Did Rizal espouse the use of arms or revolution to achieve freedom and liberty for his country and people? why

No. He used his writings as weapon to fight for his country and the people. Because of this, he was shot to death by the enemies and this triggered other Filipino male protagonists to stage a revolution.

Can i save all the conversations from a person in my mail as individial word files?

Is it possible to save all conversations from a person to word files automatically from my yahoo mail... to my PC. is there such a feasibility...? I want to back up those conversations to my hard disk.. How to carry out this...? cos i have lot of conversation..

Skullcandy lowriders vs skullcrushers?

I can't decide on which one to get. I like the lowriders because they easily go around your neck when not wearing them and the skullcrushers look bulky. However, I am worried about the lowriders falling off really easily as I longboard a lot. The lowriders are 30$ and the skullcrushers 50$. I would get rasta design in either. What is your opinion?

Name the movie - (hint: Stewart and Fonda)?

Why can't I remember the name of it? Stewart inherits a house and they end up having to fight some bad guys over it. Is the name of the house in the title? I got it: The something social club. The Cheyenne Social Club!

Teeeen Dating!!!?

I think the best thing you could do is not pay too much attention to him. Try flirting with another guy in your group or cl and see how he reacts. Sometimes if a girl is hitting on me i'm just like ok, i don't have to put in effort, she likes me, but if he has competition it will force him to make a move.

How old is the oldest "mlg" curcuit gamer? I'm 30 but really good in games...?

and been playing since I was like 10 or younger. Also, is it true that Halo 3 might no longer be an MLG game becuase it's old? Thanks.

Saddam Hussein's Trail ?

The whole thing is obvious to everyone. I cant think of a single person I have met who said yeah hes dead!! Most people recognize he was basically killed without a trial. Guilty of the Kurd thing without proof or evidence in court. Why we were there in 91 and he had already done it if it was his responsibility and we did nothing at that time. We didnt want Saddam we wanted Bin Ladin. Given hes free back in his homeland of Saudi Arabia where most of the 9/11 hijackers were nationals, a country that pays the families of suicide bombers in palestine more than Iraq did. Why did we stop looking for him?? Its no mystery it would destroy our economy if we took Bin Ladin from Saudi Arabia since we would lose something like 50% of our oil.

Is it it me or are the news channels Fox News and Russian tv a bunch of hypocrites?

All I've seen in both is one sided, closed minded conversations of people whose minds are stuck in a barrier of useless ideals dating back to the twentieth century... correct me if you think other wise, but if you agree please say why.

Anyone here ever gone to basic while over 30 years old?

I entered the military at age 34. I was a "grandma". Depending on where you go for basic training will depend on how hard you get worked. I think the all male basic training is alot harder. I went to Fort Jackson, was in good shape, and did better than most of the younger people. If you look old, they will give you a hard time, I witnessed some older people (not myself) get abused by drill sergeants because they looked old and were out of shape. Depending on your MOS, AIT can be worse than basic. I just finished 68WM6 school (medic and nursing school), and the hardest part was definetly the medic training. They told me that AIT was going to be easy, and it kicked my behind. Anyway, sounds like you will do fine. Mental preparation is key. Good luck and thanks for volunteering. It's quite an adventure.

Should I Give My Ex-Girlfriend a Third Chance?

ok this is how it is! my "GF" and i went out for the first time a year ago! we dated idk for like a month then idk what happened (messin around with some dude idk)...she has a reputation for bein a lil party girl! but she has a lil boy and well hes adorable i dont mind him **** i'l be the father he never had! so me i just moved on, then the following year on valentines day or a day before she calls me and says that she misses me and that i was always there and wanted to grow old together and what not, we go out to celebrate valentines ..the next day i call she doesnt answer my calls. later i find out she goin out wit some old *** man or whatever (btw she has some really weird friends haha shhh) and moves away with him, she used to tell me her dad was an to her, that he would beat her and well she felt like a prisoner anyway she moves away. 8 months later she e-mails me asking me how i was! and that she recently broke up wit her boyfriend. we went out that same night had a few drinks we make out..and we go home and she hasnt called since and she told me that she wanted to take things slow!? i like this girl!! alot! bt if she fuks up again im sorry! bt i have faith that she will come to her senses!! idk what to do! so i havent bothered in calling her cause idk her home phone, and i dont wanna bother her friends askin for im just waiting on her to call bt no call its been like 5 days now uuummmmmm so yea i feel like a fukkin rebound! Should i CALL!?! this is the last chance imma give her! what you think!??!

Screen messes up when i play xbox 360?

my Westinghouse flatscreen has little black lines ands dots (really tiny, discolored pixels?) when i play xbox 360. it only happens on HDMI 7 and 8. ive tried unlugging and replugging the hdmi cable on both ends, and restarting the xbox and turning the tv on and off. whats the problem??

With the Chinese Yuan rising, what are the best Forex pair to invest in now?

You can buy an ETF such as CNY or CYB. You can also buy a fund that invests in various currencies, including the Yuan such as The Currency Strategies Fund or Merk Asian Currency

Who will win between randy couture and james toney ?

now think about it , james toney has been a world champion in boxing , his striking is like3 times better than carwin and now he will have way lighter gloves . carwin weny 12-0 by just striking his opponents , if toneys striking is 3times better ,imagine how more dangerous he will be. yea he doesnt have wrestling experience but carwin never needed it to go 12-0, he just knocked people out.

Is it unreasonable to expect my husband to smoke outside?

Speaking as a smoker I don't think you're being unreasonable at all. You and your kids health is at risk, plus why would you want to smell of smoke when you don't smoke. I think he's being unbelievably selfish, I would never smoke somewhere someone asked me not too.

What do you think of the name Gwendolyn??????

Well me and my wife have been talking about this name everyday since we seen your question. Although we think this name is cute and could be a very nice name for a little girl we don't belive it is the name for your little sugar dumbling. I hope MY advice helps.

Ready lets talk 2012?

I want to open a dissusion people lets talk theorys lets talk proof not crackpot notions and please keep it appropriate i know this topic gets people riled up but lets be respectful to others belifs :-)

Isn't this a double standard?

Ask any redneck what "confederate" means and they won't be able to tell you. The average "redneck" is uneducated and just fly confederate flags as more or less a gang symbol

Me and gf were eating together I'm 11?

I was eating with gf friend come(guys) I told them to lev was it a good idea I mean i want some alone time to move to 2 base .

Pigmented stucco / alternatives to painting a house?

i have a house that i was going to put pre colored stucco on (meaning the stucco is already colored so you dont have to paint the house) but its like 2k more for the pre colored stucco. can you please suggest some alternatives besides vinyl siding. my goal is to put something up (for example pre colored stucco) so that i wont have to paint the house.

How about this latest news Police treat Michael Jackson's death as homicide as pictures reveal the extent of h?

they don't need to be looking at all this past stuff. what they need to be looking at is the toxicology report to see what killed him. it doesn't matter what was in his system years ago, it matters what was in his system the day he died. and the lapd denied it because they can't go forward with any homicide investigation until they get the tox report to see what was in his system.

Marine Biology or Zoology PhD?

I had this same problem when choosing my degree. I went with Zoology, because i figure that covers all animals, not just marine. If you go Marine, you can work with marine animals but not terrestrial, but with zoo. it covers both. Plus from what I know most people with a marine degree end up looking at algea and sponges, not mammals, or sharks. I would go with the zoology.

I'm a sonographer Italian, I would like to work in England as a cardiac sonographer?

Vorrei lavorare come cardiac sonographer nel Regno unito, ma non so proprio come fare. Qualcuno potrebbe dire dove inviare il mio CV e chi contattare?

Herbal Essences Tousle Me Softly?

I haven't used the tousle me softly mousse, but I use the gel and it works really well for me, but I do have some natural wave in my hair. I think if you use all the products you will get a really nice result.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Looking for "zucchini sauce" recipe from Addie Gonshorowski's, Zucchini Lovers Cookbook?

I ordered the cookbook online (used) and pages 85-90 are missing! One of the pages includes a recipe for "Zucchini sauce" which is called for in a LOT of the other recipes in the cookbook. Does anyone have this recipe, or perhaps one that will work?

Is it bad to mix motor oils of different viscosity?

When I was buying oil for my 2001 Chrysler PT Cruiser, I carelessly picked up two quarts of 10w-30 and three quarts of 5w-30. They're all the same brand.

Pomeranian keeps coughing and making a hacking sound?

The exact same symptoms occurred to my nieces pomeranian. We took her to the vet and it was kennel cough. They said the coughing will get worse if ignored, but she was all fixed up with some antibiotics. The whole thing was a quick, inexpensive fix.

How can i make the videos i downloaded from youtube high quality?

you can download sony vegas pro trial and look for videos on youtube to make the higher quality but it takes a long time haha

Greeting the deities in the morning?

There are so many of them, which one you are in love with can not be separated by any one other than yourself.

Should invest in this bobby brown foundation which is around $40, or go to the movies every weekend?

there's so many good movies i wanna watch, but i got a sample of this bobbi brown foundation. it is the perfect shade for me and makes me look AMAZINGGGGGG. it has great coverage. i only have about 75 dollars i wont be getting more money until christmas

Can somebody helpe me with my plans for a XYZ monster deck?

Too many odd cards. but the v and w monsters put 3 of each and put 3 shining angles and you can put 3 cyber dragons in there too. add ray of hope just in case your monsters are sent to the grave

Why USA is after Jamaican runners?

I think a name change from "y young man" to "crybaby jealous foreigner" is in order.

Has anyone been to this movie theatre in Las Vegas?

When I went to Las Vegas last month, my mom,sister,and cousins went to this movie theatre which they said made them feel like they were in a slasher movie. They went up a few floors,down 2 hallways, and into this scary parking garage and the elevator waas already open. They got in. A lady vooice came over the intercom system and was like "hello,hello is anybody there?" And then beep beep beep like a telephone receiver. The doors opened and my mom was freaking out like close the door! somebody's gonna kill us!haha. Thnx

Why do conservatives think anyone who is against their ideals automatically liberal?

From what I can tell, Liberals are pretty much the same way toward Conservatives. As far as I can tell the only way the two parties differ is on the individual issues. The core ideology of "let's impose our personal views on everyone no matter how ridiculous they may be and then call it a 'free country'" is universal across the two sides.

Aloe Vera?

Does aloe vera(the green goop you put on your sunburns) also help keep your tan stay on your body longer??

If we are all in this together, is it fair that the UK gives the EU a 6% increase?

The UK already gives �45m a DAY to the EU as it is, now that would go a long way towards reducing our deficit wouldn't it? There would not have to be so many cuts and many jobs could be saved. If you would, like me, like to leave the EU then have a look at the UKIP website. At the moment they are running a campaign to persuade the government to hold a referendum on continued membership of the EU. Under new rules any petition with more than 100,000 signatures must be debated in parliament. Whether you want to stay in the EU or leave is not the question, the point is to hold a referendum so everyone of voting age can make their views known, that's democracy. No one under the age of 53 has been asked whether we should stay in the EU. The last time the people were asked about Europe they were asked if they would like to be a member of a "Common Market", nothing about a United States of Europe, and Ted Heath the Prime Minister at the time lied through his teeth. Did you know that with the current European Arrest Warrant the, for example, Greek Police could extradite you to Greece, throw you in jail to await trial and there is nothing anyone in the UK can do about it?

Is Lady GaGa Bi-ual?

Yea she is. She did an interview in Rolling Stone Magazine talking about her break up with her boyfriend because he couldn't get into the whole "let's include another woman in our relationship" thing. She is uall attracted to females and emotionally/mentally/physically attracted to males....but she is 100% woman (not a hermorphodite) i cant spell that word lol

What is the best way to find good prospects for an MLM?

Most people have a bad perception of MLM companies. However if they look at it Mary Kay and Avon they think these companies are legit, while they are MLM (rather hypocritical isn't it...) I also do business through MLM, as a home based travel agent. While I was having a hard time getting started, I ordered a few books on the whole network marketing concept (they gave me a lot of insight and helped me work through problems I was having) and they helped me get through the start-up/take off of my new business. A couple of the books were Rich Dad, Poor Dad and Your First Year in Network Marketing (you can find cheap at or Another way to go is to subscribe to a lead list in your specific genre/niche market. I have included a link to a few sites that give pretty good leads. I don't know if they have the genre/target market you are looking for, but I have listed them anyway.

What do you think about Kane beating Undertaker at WM26?

This will re-establish the value and credibility of Kane as a monster. Have Kane "kill" the UT at WM and then Taker's soul is ped onto his younger brother. So essentially, Taker becomes Kane. Evil Kane forms a coalition with CM Punk and the SES and together they run smackdown for the next year. They form a straight edge "fight club" and recruit the bottom feeders of the WWE, take them on as reclamation projects and create an indestructible faction. However, Kane is conflicted and apologizes to the grave of his brother for his sins and has a climatic iron man match at WM27 with Punk to destroy the Straight Edge society once and for all. However, at WM he shows up as the Undertaker in a Kane mask and it turns out they were the same person all along. So the Undertaker still has his streak because you cannot defeat yourself. Then he beats Punk in the Iron man match, the match of the decade. What do you guys think?

Is the PS3 infested with DRM like the Xbox 360?

I have a 360 Elite, and it won't let my copy my music to my Xbox hdd. So, it is the same for PS3? Also, what's it like to own a PS3? Is the 80 GB worth it?

Do finger prints survive fires??

They can and often do survive in several ways. Heat softens the skin secretions in fingerprints. They take up soot more easily. When they cool, the secretions harden, and often all that's required is to brush away the excess soot. I've had fingerprints etched into an aluminum can by the action of heat on the slightly acidic skin secretions. I have even seen cases where the differences in how heat charred paper to leave fingerprint ridges clearly raised on paper that was completely charred and so fragile that is was very hard to preserve. None of this means it's easy to find them or that they will be present in even a majority of cases.

Lemon Meringue PIE?

OK....YA GOT ME!!!!! I'd be your slave for life for a slice....please!!! oh please!!!! Pretty please with a diamond ring on it!!!!! now, I'm sooooo hungry!!!!

Isn't Evolutionary Psychology the only real psychology out there?

I mean how can anyone study Jung and that other crap, when they don't follow the basic tenants of what Evolution has laid out for the human mind. I guess some people are just in denial of the truth, can't accept it.

If all sin is equal in the eyes of God should I kill the store clerk of the shop I rob?

While He does not consider one sin to be worse, He is not saying "Go rob a store and shoot the clerk!" He's stating, for example, that lusting after a woman is just as bad as having with her outside of marital bounds. His standards are very high. And there is additional punishment. Either way you look at it, you're going to be punished for both sins. Not one.

Why do people look down upon non-virgins?

a lot of so called christians say that us non-virgins are going to hell because we had before marriage. ironically enough, the bible says 'judge not for ye who shall be judged,' so i wonder where do these so called christians get off judging others and at the same time saying that they are good christians? as far as your opinion, i think it's nice that you are actually open minded and anyone who calls you a douche, is a douche themselves.

Top 10 military mistakes?

Japan attacking the US at Pearl Harbor. Their top planners knew that they had no chance against the US.

My cat has these little brown bugs in her fur? HELP!?

so my cat is a Himalayan, 4 yrs old, she has long fur. Recently Ive noticed little dark brown things in her fur. I didn't know what they were. I kept examining her fur until i found a LIGHT brown bug moving! Now there's 3 bugs and i still don't know what the dark brown speck things are. What should i do & what are they?!?!

How hard is it to get into a top 20 business grad school?

How high of a GPA do you need? How much work experience do you need? How much does the undergrad college you went to matter? (I go to SUNY Oswego for finance). If you have a certification such as a CFA will that help your chances of getting in? I know they look at your GMAT do they look at SAT?

Catholics: Do yall think prods go to hell?

I was baptized/raised catholic, but now am a complete apostate. Were I to rejoin the Catholicism (The 1 True Church) I'd use it as a pretext to condemn non-Catholics to hell.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Is an anthropologist in demand?

It depends on which branch on anthropology...forensics is definitely in demand...however if you are studying to become an archeologist there are less dig sites due to the housing boom of the past 20 years so you may need to travel if you land yourself a job doing that

Did you try to compare how Bible and Qur'aan describe God?

Please copy and paste verses from Bible and Qur'aan in balance with ID referance, then put your conclusion.

How do you attach a temperature regulator to a kiln?

I am thinking of buying a temp regulator (Efco 50191) to my Uhlig U15 kiln as it has been sat in my workshop and I've never used it. I am a complete beginner so please excuse my "stupid" question! I know the temp regulator has a plug for an electrical socket (obviously) but don't know how you attach it to the kiln. Can you explain please? Thanks for any guidance as I would like to understand this before buying the regulator even though I know it will obviously come with instructions, just because there doesn't seem to be any appropriate place on the kiln for an attachment.

Can I Have A Ibuprofen Trip?

it will make you sleepy and paranoid..and 4 sounds like a lil bit ..not to mention if you overdose you can damage your organs

When does the control that the high school has over me end each day?

id say the same stuff as everyone else but i dont want to type that much...but yeah, its a liability issue. If anything happens to you because the school didnt enforce all policies, even the trivial ones, the school can be sued.

Pretty damn depressed.?

I can see how you are torn between going under the knife and feeling vain about doing so, but I don't think you should question something that obviously has caused you to have lowered self esteem and ridicule. Moles are removed not just for aesthetic reasons, but are a preventative measure against moles that may be linked to skin cancer (not to scare you). Also, alot of what people say can tell you about the character of that person, so all those boys telling you of your "potential hotness", are pretty shallow to say something to that affect. So, if you do or don't get this notorious mole removed, you can nonetheless find someone that appreciates you in all aspects of who you are.

El brujo mayor dijo que argentina?

That stuff is almost never right. Argentina looks like tough but lets see how they do against a good team.

What is the main deference between a soiled propelled rocket and a liquid propelled rocket.?

You may want to edit your question name... a soiled rocket is a VERY different concept from a solid rocket...

Raver Costume help!! (makeup)?

im gonna be a raver for halloween, i have everything ready for my costume but i need desperate help with raver makeup! any advice on how to do raver makeup?? something bright & pink/neon green/ purple/ ETC. possibly rainbow :D ThankYouuuu;!

How scared are you of the New England Patriots?

Considering they finished 14-2 with the youngest defense in the league and no Randy Moss in what was labeled as a re-building year... I'd say they are looking really good next season. Lets also not forget that Tom Brady finished with a 36-4 TD/INT ratio playing almost the entire season on a BROKEN FOOT. Considering this team is only a good p rusher and decent receiver away from winning another championship, people should be very worried about the fact that they have 8 picks in the first 4 rounds.

County funded post doc positions in clinical psychology?

First check the main state website, try to find any phone number connected with the program. Or, check county by country, with maybe Orange county being most accessible. Definitely, ask at the uiniversity at where you are completing our doctoral degree, like your advisors. Surely, by now, you have developed the moxie to ask or plead to get your practi experience. So, this should be child's play. As I am no longer in CA, and my only contact is not connected to UCLA any longer, but a private psychologist, I can't provide a name. Do your networking, check the internet, call the universities, call the county offices, and you will find some contact. All you need is one to crack the code.

Help me with my movie delema?

Um.......I don"t know. But did you know that you can get books on your ipod? You can!!!! And,since you like Twilight,you can read Eclipse,New Moon,and Breaking Dawn. By the way,she (the author) is coming out with a new book for the Twilight series. I forgot waht it is called,but it is Twilight in Edward's perspectvie. I have read all of them except for the one in Edward's point of veiw.... Oh well. Anyways,try those books out. They are REALLY good. Good luck! ;-D

7mm08 remington vs 270 winchester ?

I don't want opinions just facts. I am buying a Remington 700 sps buckmaster edition. I live in Canada and hunt deer, black bear and moose. I know these two calibers are close but which one is better (shoots the flattest, hits the hardest at close and long range (about 500 yards), more accurate velocity/energy).

Anyone know how to construct a small simple emp device?

take the magnetron out of your microwave and leave the electronics in it-than build a waveguide out of a paper towel cardboard tube. otherwise, just put electronics in the microwave.

What is a more positive term for "gizmo-loving kids"?

Call'em for what they are.. Nerds.. Geeks.. Spazs... then your superintendent will see the light your first choice was in fact the politically correct one.

How can i write DANIEL in Aramaic symbols or letters?

I want to get a tattoo of my son's name in Jesus langage but i am not sure how to write Daniel using their alphabet and symbols. I've been looking online but cant find anything that lets me know for sure. Any one know how?

Thoughts on my baby girls name?

So my husband and I are due with our third baby girl in August and we came up with the name Alirya Sparrow. It's pronounced Ah-Leer-A. Sparrow means I hope in Latin so......and my husband and I met in a Latin cl...our two older daughters are Mattea Spirit and Juliet Annalise. Our last name is Matthews by the way. If you have any other names to suggest please do. Thanks :)

Do pilot disengage autopilot at DH & manually land even if ILS available? why?

why not touchdown with autopilot and then disengage it, manually throttle down, reverse throttle and put spiolers on to slow down? i hv flight simulator x.i have never been able to manually align with runway centerline in VOR e.g, st.martin island runway GPS setting is not of much help.In real life heavy planes land there...without ILS how is it possible for pilots to align with runway manually and land? kindly enligten me...

Depth of field, Shutter Speed and Aperture on my Minolta SR-T 101?

Should i set the shutter speed and aperture according to the light meter needle match with depth of field engaged or disengaged? It makes sense to me to set it according to the needle's position when the depth of field is engaged because isnt that how the picture will actually look?

Why will my car not start?

you should also check your timing belt and shaft balance belt...i had a honda that wouldnt start and no one could find out why it wouldnt work, the car would click but would not turn over, and it turned out that when my shaft balance belt broke it got wedged into the timing belt and wouldnt turn on...hope this helps

I'm a bit ditzy when it comes to weather. I'm going to a theme park tomorrow and it's gonna be 22 degrees c?

This is UK, so UK answerers only please. What kind of thing do I need to wear? Will I be hot in jeans? I'm thinking three-quarter length trousers and a tshirt so far but will I be too cold?

Why does my horse keep lowering his head when I canter him?

He didn't do this when I first rode him, but he has been a little "stubborn" lately, and when I used the crop on him today, he actually bucked. He is a retired racehorse, out of the business for about three years. Is he just getting lazy and needs to be worked. SHould I get a strap to hold his head up?

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

How many of you realise?

That metaphorically, the Accuser (Satan) is actually God's servant? This has always been traditional Jewish teaching, that some in the Early Church misunderstood. All evil only serves to accomplish God's final purposes, which are wholly good; i.e. the redemption of all creation.

Question about ipods..?

Ok, so I'm thinking about upgrading my mp3 player, and was wondering what people think the best is out there. Two main players I'm looking into are Zune and Ipods. First of all, how do both work with music formats? I like using .wma and .mp3 just because both are versatile. With some of the new drm things on players nowadays, it has become a nightmare to use music on players. Can i burn my own cds on the players, or do they just let you use music from their own stores? Also with the new 30 GB players, i'm skeptical of the hard drives. Seems to me like flash memory would work better. I can just picture a hard drive player sucking battery power more, and skipping a lot. Anyone's experience with music players would be helpful.

Ideas for 30th birthday party - chocolate fountain, shisha hire, candy floss machine - need ideas please!?

I feel that a chocolate fountain is a bit 'old' now. I love the idea of having a small shisha/hookah pipe tent area in the garden. But I'm stuck for other ideas. My house isn't mive and neither is my garden - plus it will be at the end of October, though I AM planning to have a tent/marquee/gazebo area in the garden. Any ideas for party craziness very welcome! Thanks.

What are your thoughts about this NY Post article about the Yanks- Phils Series? Details inside->?

Hahahaha! Wow! Im sure Yankees and Phillies fan are gonna rip each other heads up soon. And dont forget, some Philly fans do this kind of stuff too.

Do u think i will get hire at walmart ?

ok so ive been calling walmart for like 2 weeks now to find out whats going on with my app so i bleave it was monday i called around 9 am and they told me they r gonna tell this guy aobut me his name is david and call back and ask for david around 2 pm so i called aroudn 2 pm and he said he hired alot of ppl but they did not meet there numbers and he is going to start looking at more apps next monday and calling ppl in for interviews then i ask should i call back monday he said yeah that would be a good ida then i can make sure ill look at yours so do u think it sounds good or no?

Can a figure eight puffer live in freshwater?

i have a 55g tank freshwater and i really like those figure eight puffer fish i know there brackish water but some people say that it should be able to tolerate it so can i have a figure eight puffer in a freshwater tank

Official Taxation website in Malaysia...?

Hallo.. I'm Indonesia. i have an ignment to compare Taxation in my country and yours. would you help me to give me know what is the official website of taxation in your country.. thank you so much...

Is it true-if you feed a dog catfood they will go blind. my motherinlaw insists that all animal food is same.

no they won't go blind. lol my dog eats cat food all the time and he is fine. he goes and eats the neighbors cat food. i think the main difference is, dog food has more fat, and proteins. you don't see very many strong huge cats like you do dogs

Who thinks there should be a Ocarina of Time Remake for the Wii?

i think after twilight princess, OOT could be remade with the same control scheme (maybe a few tweaks) but i think the only flaws with OOT were the graphics which made some things hard to make out, and the controls which were good for the time, but now seem kind of sluggish and choppy.

KFC depression syndrome?

i bet u anything that terrible food is part of whats making u feel bad. eat better, it just might help

Have cell phones improved love relationships?

I remember when pagers/beepers were still the norm and my relationship with women were not as great as they are now with cell phones.

What do you use WD-40 on?

ok so we win a couple of games, cool... but then the world says they don't want us together, and we fall apart like we aint a *D*MN BIT OF NOTHIN MAN!!!! NOTHIN!!!* and ya'll think we won somethin??? man we ain't won *NOTHIN!!!*

Need suggestions for a book to read?

I liked "Prince of Tides." Another very inspiring non-fiction book that I think everyone should read is "The Road Less Traveled" by M. Scott Peck. It has literally sold millions of copies and once you read it, you'll know why.

Is a 1987 Mitsubishi Montero with 170k miles and Strait 4 motor a reliable vehicle?

I'm looking at buying a 1987 Mistubishi Montero. It has 170k miles. New tires, battery, and radiator. It has the Strait 4 (I believe it's the 2.0L) motor. Is this a reliable vehicle? What issues do these usually have?

What is your starsign (sun sign) and what is your favourite song?

for example i am a taurus... and my favourite songs are... cure love cats, pete murray bail me out, leanne rimes life goes on.


First of all, you should buy bigger clothes. If you keep trying to fit into clothes that are not your size, you will feel fat. Also, don't worry about the sizes because you might wear a 3 in some brands but a 7 in other brands. Focus on eating healthy food, exercise, and don't skip meals.

How do I raise my existing hood scoop for more clearance.?

go to your local auto parts store and buy some fibergl sheets and some resin. remove the scoop and cut it in halfand add as much space as needed with the fiber gl and resin,after it sets sand it and put a thin coat of body filler on the inside and outside to add support and to make it paintable.

My boyfriend i've been with for almost 2 1/2 years never wants to do anything new?

Besides the fact that he lives off his loans and then won't work although he has more than enough time to. He prefers to surf instead and then complain how he doesn't have money. Then the only way we can do anything new is if i pay for it, not that i have a lot of money or anything, but i'm basically the dude in this lame *** relationship, and i don't even feel like he appreciates it. Every time i say lets go somewhere else and get the **** out of san diego, he's like ugg i have no money.. and then i can't just go to vegas or anything without him. So now i'm just stuck in this shitty situation. Then on top of that with his awesomely not busy schedule he's too tired to have and i'm better looking than he is!!!. i'm going to lose my mind...he's like one of my best friends, and i don't know how to fix the situation so it's either that or i break up with him.

Amm I the onlyy teeenagerr?

That hates when people add extra letters to words? Seriously, it just takes more time to type. And it doesn't look cute. It makes the typist look retarded, or like they have the education of a primate. But I see this crap all the time. Other teens, do you all type this way or do you agree with me? Also, if you do type this way, why?

Is there a text to speech reader that you can record from your computer and into a video using windows 7?

I want to make a video with voices like digital ph33r used in arby n the chief but do not know which one to get so i can record stuff to the video

I am a registered nurse in Mongolia and would like to work in USA as a RN?

I found out that I need to take NCLEX. But I don't know how to apply for this exam and where to take it? do i have to go to America in order to take it? Also, Do i have to get certain permission to take this exam? Is there any websites or professionals who can advise me on this. Please, send me an email. Thank you for your time and attention

Question about doing laundry?

haha this is gonna sound ridiculous but if I'm washing my whites and I'm washing them with new hanes socks with a little bit of red on them, will the red stain my other whites at all? thanks in advance

No confidence because of big nose.?

I have little confidence because I think my nose is kind of big. But should I? When I was in 6th grade we had cl polls and I got best looking and in high school I was voted beauty brawns and brains. Many, many girls have liked me over my life, but I am just concerned because my nose is a bit big. No one ever says anything about it, but I will go to parties with my friends and they will have girls swooning over them and I get nothing. I hope that ot is because I have little confidence but at least I can change that, but my nose I cannot. So is this dread I have really dumbfounded? Should I worry about my nose?

Clarification on B's and V's in Spanish ?

i was taught that v's are said as v's but that was in a small town high school in iowa so i probably wouldn't hold a lot of faith in that

My 11 month old puppy seems to be regressing in her new enviornment..need help training!?

I recently moved in with my mother-in-law while my husband is away in the army. At home we had her potty trained, and only fed her cookies infrequently as a reward. My mother in-law has two 7 month old puppies who are spoiled rotten with an ever flowing amount of cookies. I have told her my dog does not eat table food nor does she need cookies all the time, however I am constantly taking cookies away from my dog because since we moved in she hasn't eaten her dog food. Also she seems to have a problem going to the bathroom in the house again even though I let her out every two hours...HELP!!

I'm a 38 year old, pretty good looking guy who doesn't know where to meet nice women?

This is a hard age because most middle aged people are married or divorced with a distaste to date. Where do I go?

What Do Americans Call Female Dogs?

I ask because in England we call them 'b*tches' but Yahoo, an American site, blanks the word out as an obscenity or swear word.

Who's your favorite female/feminist novelist?

I've never read much feminist fiction. In fact, the only one I have read is The Women's Room, so I guess I'll say Marilyn French.

Whats yoru favirote song to "pump up to"?

If you know what I mean. Like working out...sorry did not want to explain "what it wasn't" because we have some young ears here. :)

What hairstyle is best for beginners in MapleStory?

What type of hairstyle is best for beginners and when u complete Claudia's quest u will get a good hairstyle? (Ex: Orange Sammy and i got Carla and Angelica) I made a new magician with Orange Sammy but got an ugly hairstyle. Which kind has the best chance of getting a good hairstyle when u finish Claudia's quest?

Did you look just plain fat before you looked pregnant?

I'm 8 weeks, haven't gained any weight, but my weight has redistributed to make my thighs and gut flabby. I wish I had something more concrete to tell you, but it's different for every woman. My first pregnancy, this did not happen. You might want to invest in some bigger clothes that you'll be able to use a while after you deliver as well.

Are the Rams going to wear their throwback uniforms vs. Chiefs?

Rams last pre season game is in St. Louis on Thursday. Hosting the Kansas City Chefs (i mean Chiefs)

Lactose Lactase Intolerance non-persistence. Which is which?!?

im not familiar with those exact terms but i can tell you that lactose is the sugar you can not break down with lactose intolerance. lactase in the enzyme which break down lactose, so if it does not "persist" or exist in your body then you would be lactose intolerant i would ume

Why don't Rastafari people have the religious right to smoke ganja...?

while Islamic people, at least the ones here in Canada, have the religious right to operate a motorcycle without wearing a helmet (they wear turbans instead).

Can my husband claim esa now his ssp has stopped. I now work full time and earn �12k a year , we have 3 kids?

no basically because your earning enough with entitlement to claim working tax credits to top up low wage in your own right to support the family etc.

Monday, August 8, 2011

What will you say about the nasty food of KUTHA MEAT by humans ? Shouldn't it be banned worldwide?

HERP DERP LET'S BAN ALL MEAT! Yeah! Great idea! Let's be totally selfish and ignorant and not consider how the majority of the planet can only have a healthy diet by including meat as well, considering the fact that not every vegetable grows everywhere in the planet and therefore not everyone has access to them! Yeah! Meat is cruel! It's not like 55% of the human population requires it!

PIANO NOTES ? pleasee help?

I'd suggest searching for a "score" or "sheet music" rather than "piano notes." Good luck.

Is it true that Christianity is a forgery of Ancient Egyptian myth?

Possiable. Good Question though, it's making me think. Can you provide a link so I may read further into it?? PPLLLEEEAASEEEE??????

Little women by Louisa May Alcott?

I have loved both new and old verison of the movies since I was young and now thinking of getting the book. Just wonder what you thoughts are of the book? good/bad?

I think my goldfish is possessed by the Trix Rabbit?

My goldfish won't stop looking at me and i want some trix. surely it is the rabbit trying to communicate with me.

Any Geniuses Out There?

i dont beleive that you tried on this lol im 17 i know exactly how this works. for example the answer to number 4 is in the question number ten...

What is the best way to catch gar?

I live in Austin Texas and I have been fishing in the Perdenales river. I always see gar surface but I am unable to even get a bite. Any tips on gear and bait i should use?

Help Me Please!!!!!!?

try dress hire shop or wedding hire shop they have same type dress ebay pay and tell them you need it asap ....try second hand under pre-loved or adds

Where can I get a drawstring bookbag?

Target, Finish Line, Nike, Kohls, any shoe outlet, JcPenney's (on occasion), and places at a mall will sure have one. If you are an Ebay shopper (which I am not) you could probaly find a good deal or on Good luck and hope this helps.

What will happen to the US if our USD is replaced as the de facto world currency?

Your money won't be worth the paper it's printed on. It will be as worthless as confetti, the world will view it as an IOU from a bankrupt bum. The more money we print, the less each dollar is worth this is called the 'law of marginal utility'.

2010 Senior Help!!!!?

We are trying to make a T-Shirt for the cl of 2010 senior T-Shirts. Any ideas for a way to make a play on the word senior or cl of 2010? Unfortunately, Senor (spanish) is already taken. Also taking any funny slogans/sayings/ideas. Thanks

Vicodin..? Help please?

Ok, so I went to the doctor today and he prescribed Vicodin for me.. I am a little worried about the dosage because the pills are huge and he didnt ask me any questions about diet, height, weight, or anything. I am 15, and the Vicodin says Watson 349 on it. What effect will this have on my body if i weigh approx. 115 pounds and am 5'2"? How many pills should I take for the desired effect of being blissfully unaware of the world around me? lol, but seriously- how many of these am I supposed to take for my age and everything without OD, but enough to have a good effect?

Help me pick out a Queen Anne paint palette for my house?

I've very roughly drawn here my house in MS Paint in order that you may see better the contrasts of colors. The bright red represents a red brick used on the house. I don't know what color to paint the clapboard siding, the wood trim, and then colors for accessories on the columns and gable patterns (which I can myself pick individually once I have a basic color palette to follow). I cannot have the original wood tested for its color because I simply don't have the finances for such an endeavor (at least I believe I wouldn't be able to on umptions of the cost).

Is 12 a normal age for a guy to go through puberty?

Not sure at all what your "fxching dog" reference means. But yea, most boys start puberty anywhere from age 11 to 13, so most probably kick in at around 12. Not young at all. Girls usually start earlier than boys.

I'm 25, pregnant, and I dont know how to tell my parents?

Hi and thanks for checking out my question. So I am 25 years old and I am 7 weeks pregnant. I'm living with my fiance and were been together for 5 1/2 years. This is the thing, my parents have told me before that they dont want grandchildren and that I shouldnt have any children. They say this because I have bipolar disorder. I do get moody yes but the episodes are under much better control now. I do not even know how to broach this with them because I know that they would be upset and dissapointed... and my fiance lost his job and is collecting unemployment right now. Plkease someone give me some real advice? How do I handle this? I am happy to have one on the way but this is bringing a big cloud over everything. Ps I'm on meds but the amt low and its better for me to be on some than none. THanks

Which name is nicer - Lilyana or Lily?

My wife and I are Hispanic expecting a daughter. We like the names Lilyana or Lily. What do you suggest? We are leaning towards the spelling Lilyana instead of Liliana so that we can nickname her Lily and have the best of both worlds. Thoughts?

What do you think of this: I am In Total Submission to my Husband.?

I can't believe what I read, and I'm a man, but I know what text it came from. Your not any mans or slave, that includes your husband. Marriage is 50-50 You become part of each other. To love and Cherish and comfort each other. You don't have to bow down to anyone. A good husband respects and honers his wife. She has become part of him in their union. .

What is the best all-around toothpaste?

I use Colgate Total plus whitening gel. My teeth stay white. I do go to the dentist every 6 months for a cleaning too.

Someone PLEASE help! I'm having problems with my digital camera! =[?

Hey everyone. Well I have an Olympus digital camera. Last weekend I spent the night at my friends house and I brought the camera along with the charger. My camera died so I took the battery out to charge it. I know that sounds weird but I have to take the battery out and put it in this square thing that you plug into an outlet to charge it. Anyway, it was charging for a half an hour, maybe 45 minutes, and then I put the battery back in my camera. I know that I didn't charge it long enough but it would last for a little. Anyway, when I tried to turn on my camera it wouldn't turn on! I didn't drop my camera at all, and I didn't put the battery in the wrong way either because the cover for the battery won't close unless you put it in correctly. Does anyone know what could be wring? Should I get a knew battery? Also, one of my friends was saying something about a "hold" switch, but my camera doesn't have one of those. So that's not it. Help PLEASE! Thanks!

How to get organized for school?

didn't you just answer you own question? anyway always buy extra notebook paper you will always need it for notes. You won't need the pencil sharpener if you get mechanical pencils but buy extra lead. Also get some fun stuff for your locker or desk because that always would cheer me up! Have fun in school! Luck and lollipops!!! :)